What is the Dementia Mate Wareware Governance Ecosystem?

Governance is about helping guide in the right direction. The Dementia Mate Wareware Governance Ecosystem / Te Pūnaha Mana Whakahaere mō te Mate Wareware has been set up to help guide Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, and Manatū Hauora - the Ministry of Health to implement the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan.  

The ecosystem has been established by Te Whatu Ora in partnership with Manatū Hauora - the Ministry of Health.

Our purpose

The Dementia Mate Wareware Governance Ecosystem has been designed to help navigate a clear course towards a shared vision. That vision is
"An Aotearoa New Zealand in which dementia mate wareware is prevented as much as possible; and where people living with dementia mate wareware, their family and whānau, and care partners receive the support they need to live their best possible lives, with autonomy, meaning and dignity."
 This vision is set out in "Improving Dementia Mate Wareware Services in Aotearoa New Zealand –the Action Plan".

Dementia Mate Wareware Governance Ecosystem structure

The Dementia Mate Wareware Governance Ecosystem comprises two parts: the Dementia Mate Wareware Leadership and Advisory Group and the Dementia Mate Wareware Network. 
Together, they influence what happens in the broader system by providing leadership and advice to Te Whatu Ora, Manatū Hauora, and the dementia mate wareware sector on the best ways to work toward the objectives in the  Action Plan. 


Our story

The albatross or toroa is a symbol of great navigation. Toroa navigate across vast oceans without landmarks and fly thousands of kilometres in just a few weeks, yet they find their way home.