Find out about the MANA

The MANA is a suite of tools for the holistic assessment of mate wareware (dementia) in Māori. It includes wairua and well-being, cognitive, and functional components. 

Nau mai! Kia ora! Welcome to the new diagnostic suite for mate wareware for use with Māori whānau. It’s called the MANA  — the Māori Assessment of Neuropsychological Abilities suite of tools. 

The MANA was developed in research led by Māori for Māori. Over 400 kaumātua contributed to the development of the MANA suite and the cognitive assessment tool was validated on 92 Māori.

The MANA  is not simply a cognitive screening measure but rather a whole toolkit for a comprehensive assessment that is sensitive to Māori cultural needs. It is a kaupapa Māori guide for how health professionals, whether they are Māori or tau iwi (non-Māori), can better engage in the process of assessment and support planning for a  Māori person and their whānau who may be living with mate wareware. 





The standard cognitive screening and assessment tests used to help with the diagnostic process for dementia mate wareware in Aotearoa NZ have not been validated on Māori, for example, the Mini-ACE. These instruments have poor specificity and sensitivity when applied to people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Studies have shown that cognitive testing is culturally biased (1,2), and this has been reiterated in studies conducted with Māori (3,4). That's why the MANA is so important. It's a culturally validated and appropriate suite of tools including a cognitive test that can improve the accuracy of dementia mate wareware diagnosis for clinicians working with Māori whānau. Let's work together to ensure that all people, regardless of their cultural background, receive accurate and timely diagnosis of dementia mate wareware.