Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand had recently released the first report from their review of funding and service models for aged care services, which had begun in July the previous year. The report highlighted some significant challenges facing older people, whānau and their communities, providers, workers, needs assessors, and funders.

Phase two of the review had begun and was focused on developing recommendations for service and funding models that would result in a more integrated care model, improved efficiency in the application of resources, and regulatory and funding regimes that were more fit for purpose.

This online Network meeting, co-hosted by Health NZ, was a significant opportunity for the Dementia Mate Wareware Ecosystem to contribute to future approaches to dementia mate wareware care. Discussions about funding and services were held regarding the following topics:

  • Aged residential care
  • Home and community support services
  • Community support.
  • Primary and pharmacy care.