The Health NZ Health Workforce Planning and Development team invited the Leadership & Advisory Group to provide them with advice on the dementia mate wareware workforce for the 2024/25 Health Workforce Plan. This meeting was the Network’s opportunity to contribute their expertise to this advice.

At the meeting, representatives from Ageing Well, Health NZ, introduced the Plan. Following this, participants worked in breakout rooms to discuss the following questions from the Health NZ workforce planning team:

  • What might we have missed or not seen clearly, looking at the data we had available on the dementia sector? They noted that there was quite limited information about workforce shortages in their core data
  • What could they have done over the next year and over the next three years that would have made the biggest difference for them?
  • What would success have looked like to them out of a Health Workforce Plan?
  • Anything else they wanted the team to know and reflect on as they started to shape their next Workforce Plan