Budget 2022 had set aside $12 million to support some Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan projects. We discussed the draft advice that the Dementia Mate Wareware Leadership and Advisory Group planned to give to Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora regarding the commissioning for these services.
One of the messages from the first Network meeting in November 2022 was that people expressed a desire to have working groups. In that meeting, participants had the opportunity to spend time in the group of their choice to plan how they wanted to move forward.
This was a priority-setting meeting. We were committed to seeing all the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan initiatives in place, but we wanted to know what others thought should be the next steps. Te Whakaruruhau mō te Mate Wareware / the Dementia Mate Wareware Leadership and Advisory Group had wanted to hear from participants about what they believed we should focus on.
This was the second part of our priority-setting as a Network. This meeting provided a chance for all the communities of interest groups to hear from each other.
We were committed to seeing all the Dementia Mate Wareware Action Plan initiatives in place, but we wanted to know what others thought should be the next steps. Te Whakaruruhau mō te Mate Wareware / the Dementia Mate Wareware Leadership and Advisory Group wanted to hear from participants about what they believed we should focus on.
Each community of interest group had the opportunity to finalise their advice on priorities and share this with the Network meeting. The combined advice from all the communities of interest was then shared with the Leadership group as a "briefing paper" document.
This special meeting of the Dementia Mate Wareware Network / Te Tūhononga mō te Mate Wareware was an opportunity to hear updates about Māori-focused support and assessment. The following presentations were given to Network members:
This gathering of the Dementia Mate Wareware Network / Te Tūhononga mō te Mate Wareware was an opportunity to hear updates and feedback on the progress and priorities that have been made possible by all the mahi the Network has put in.
The hui included the following areas: