The Learning List - October 2021

By Lara Hitchcock. Published on 14/10/2021

Lara Hitchcock, Registered Nurse with the Memory Assessment Clinic at Burwood Hospital, shares a selection of dementia and delirium education resources from the past month.

Interesting stuff to watch

Nursing Times Deconditioning – A preventable harm 16 September 2021

DAI Webinar 2: Living life to the full: rehabilitation of daily activities and leisure for people with dementia, 15 September 2021 (to be uploaded soon)

DAI Webinar 3: Cognition-oriented treatments for people with dementia 22 September 2021 (to be uploaded soon)

Alzheimer’s NZ - Dementia Economic Impact Report Launch Event Sep 27, 2021,

Neurological foundation Digital Discovery: Stroke and the Carotid Artery Sep 29, 2021,

Neurological foundation NZ Digital Discovery: Sports-related injuries to the brain Oct 12, 2021,

DAI Webinar 4 Panel Session: The Importance of Rehabilitation for all People with Dementia, Sep 30, 2021,  (to be uploaded soon)

AFTD A Global Conversation on FTD - 2021 World FTD Awareness Week Oct 2, 2021,

AFTD Virtual Info Session on Frontotemporal Degeneration (FTD) Oct 2, 2021,

Future conferences/ study days/ webinars



November 18 & 19, 2021. Alzheimers NZ Conference  Living with dementia: Taking action for a better future Te noho rangatira me te mate wareware: Te kōkiri kaupapa mō ngā rā e tū mai nei


College of Gerontology Nursing Conference 2022 "Onwards and Upwards" 4 - 5 April 2022 Submit an abstract

Interesting stuff to read        

Alzheimer Disease International, World Alzheimer Report 2021 - Gauthier S, Rosa-Neto P, Morais JA, & Webster C. (2021). World Alzheimer Report 2021: Journey through the diagnosis of dementia. London, England: Alzheimer’s Disease International.

Alzheimers NZ dementia economic report - Ma’u E, Cullum S, Yates S, Te Ao B, Cheung G, Burholt V, Dudley M, Krishnamurthi R, Kerse N. (2021). Dementia Economic Impact Report 2020. Auckland, New Zealand: University of Auckland.

Improving dementia Mate wareware services in Aoeteroa New Zealand Action plan updated 2021

Dementia Alliance International global report 2021 - Skladzien, E., 2021, Valuing the advocacy of people with dementia: moving dementia out of the shadow, Dementia Alliance International.

World Health Organization. (2021). Global status report on the public health response to dementia. Geneva. file:///C:/Users/laran/Downloads/9789240033245-eng.pdf

Interesting websites      

MOH End of Life Choice Act implementation resources

New Zealand Dementia Foundation –information, education, and knowledge on dementia and delirium.

South Island Alliance Health of older people resources

The Neurological Foundation Lecture Library.

Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) Medication: It’s your choice. It’s your right.

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