Budget 2022 Initiatives information

By NZDF. Published on 23/2/2023

 Seven new services were commissioned through the funding of the Budget 2022 Dementia Mate Wareware initiative. More information about the organisations and services is now available on the webpage.

The Budget 2022 Dementia Mate Wareware Initiative focused on supporting the implementation of the Dementia Action Plan, specifically addressing the objective to support people living with dementia mate wareware, their whānau, and care partners/supporters to live their best possible lives. 

Seven new services were commissioned through the funding of this initiative, selected with a focus on the following priority populations, Māori, Pacific, people living in rural areas and people with younger onset dementia mate wareware:
•    Post Diagnostic Support for people with dementia mate wareware, their whānau and carers.
•    Navigator Roles to coordinate and enable people to access the support they need.
•    Respite Care to enable carers to take a break from their caring responsibilities.   

The Buget 2022 initiatives webpage has now been updated with an expanded summary of the providers chosen to be a part of this initiative, delivering post-diagnostic supports and navigation services and respite care services for four years.

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