Dementia Mate Wareware Leadership and Advisory Group appointed

By NZDF on October 18, 2022

In partnership with Te Aka Whai Ora, Te Whatu Ora  appointed the Dementia Mate Wareware Leadership and Advisory Group on 19 September 2022.

Dementia STARs launch

By NZDF on August 31, 2022

On 1 September, the first day of World Alzheimers Awareness Month, the New Zealand Dementia Foundation launched a major new educational initiative: Dementia STARs

On the Same Page - What I wish people knew

By Kristen Phillips on August 22, 2022

This is the fifth in a series of book reviews from Kristen Phillips. Reading about other people’s experiences helped Kristen emotionally and practically around her father’s illness. Her hope is that these reviews will raise awareness of the ever-increasing number of books (fiction and non-fiction) available to support and educate those of us affected by dementia.

What I wish people knew about dementia from someone who knows
(Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022)
Wendy Mitchell
224 pages

Everyone has their challenges; mine just happens to be dementia.  p73

Order at any independent book shop, or online.

This is the link to Wendy Mitchell’s blog:

Ruby's Choice film

By NZDF on August 5, 2022

A new Australian film focusing on a family’s experience of dementia opened in New Zealand cinemas on 4 August.