Safer walking

By Clare Teague on July 9, 2020

Clare Teague from LandSAR (Land Search And Rescue New Zealand ) discusses the importance of safe walking for people living with dementia and New Zealand's own Wandatrack programme.

Person-centred care and Tom Kitwood’s legacy

By Matthew Croucher on June 23, 2020

Dr Matthew Croucher reviews the new edition of Tom Kitwood's influential book "Dementia Reconsidered.  The Person Comes First".

Health and Disability System Review released

By NZDF on June 23, 2020

The Health Minister has released the final report of the Health and Disability System Review, which makes a series of far-reaching recommendations.

Loneliness may increase the risk of dementia

By NZDF on June 23, 2020

A new British research study suggests that loneliness, but not social isolation, predicts the development of dementia in older people.