Three tools to help support end-of-life care for aged care residents living with dementia mate wareware 

The Dementia End-of-life project heard about three key challenges for best practice end-of-life care for aged residential care residents with dementia :

  • residents often enter the facility without any prior advanced care planning.
  • coordination amongst services, including primary care, can sometimes be difficult
  • teams sometimes lack confidence in developing and implementing individual end-of-life care plans.

The project identified three existing evidence-based tools that, when used routinely, can help address these challenges and support high-quality, person-centred end-of-life and palliative care for our residents living with dementia. In short, three tools that every team supporting residents in aged residential care should know about!

Thank you for your commitment to meeting the unique end-of-life care needs of people living with dementia. We warmly encourage you to find out more and embed any of the tools you are not already using regularly.